

My name is Katherine

I’m a Brit currently living near to Atlanta GA. Before moving to the USA, I lived in Switzerland and also France. I am totally fluent in French.

I was always tall – and for most of my formative years hated being head and shoulders above all my friends. The question was often asked – why don’t you model? And I guess it was lack of confidence that stopped me from even trying.

The years have gone by, and I have grown to love my height and long legs. Having also recently experienced a long period of devastating trauma, with the help of my amazing husband I am now determined to push forward with my goals and ambitions. If there is one thing I have learnt first-hand, life is unpredictable, so from now own I choose to live with no regrets.

I am a signed model with BMG New York for any Lifestyle, Fashion and Beauty contracts.

Visit my instagram page for more photos